Byron Writers' Festival is taking place this week from 26–28 August. NewSouth is delighted to have our authors there at a range of wonderful events.
Tim Hollo, author of Living Democracy
Brave New Green World—Saturday 27 August, 10-11am
Governing in the Anthropocene—Sunday 28 August, 11.30am-12.30pm
Singing for Change—Sunday 28 August, 3.45-4.30pm

Ashley Hay, author of Gum
Antarctica: The Coolest Place on Earth—Friday 26 August, 1.45-2.45pm
Tree Stories—Friday 26 August, 4.15-5.15pm
Soul Food: Nature and Inspiration—Sunday 28 August, 12.45-1.45pm

Jeff Sparrow, author of Provocations
ABC North Coast Live Broadcast with Jo Shoebridge—Friday 26 August, 8.30-10am
The Fourth Estate: What’s Happened to Australian Media?—Friday 26 August, 11.30am-12.30pm
Positively Capital—Saturday 27 August, 10.15-11.15am
On Semantics—Saturday 27 August, 12.45-1.45pm
Governing in the Anthropocene—Sunday 28 August, 11.30am-12.30pm

Delia Falconer, author of Sydney
The Most Urgent Task—Sunday 28 August, 10.15-11.15am
Solastalgia: What We are Losing—Sunday 28 August, 3-4pm

Miles Merrill, author of Slam Your Poetry
Australian Poetry Slam Byron Heat (presented with Word Travels)—Saturday 27 August, 5.30-7.30pm

Matthew Condon, author of Brisbane
Scratching Society’s Underbelly—Sunday 28 August, 10.15-11.15am
A Life of Crime—Sunday 28 August, 1.45-2.45pm