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David McKnight

David McKnight is an honorary associate professor in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales. He has worked as a journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald and Four Corners and has written or co-written many books including Big Coal: Australia’s dirtiest habit (NewSouth, 2013) as well as Rupert Murdoch: An investigation of political power (Allen & Unwin, 2012) and Beyond Right and Left: New politics and the culture war (Allen & Unwin, 2005). He co-edited (with Robert Manne) Goodbye to All That? (Black Inc, 2010). In 2012 he was the co-author of Journalism at the Speed of Bytes, a study commissioned by the Walkley Foundation for Journalism on the future of journalism in view of the crisis in newspapers’ business model. He is also a historian of the Cold War and espionage, having written an authoritative history of Australia’s internal security, Australia’s Spies and Their Secrets (1994) and a history of the underground political tradition of the Communist International, Espionage and the Roots of the Cold War (2002).

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