UNSW Press Ltd, established in 1962, is an award-winning university press. Over almost 60 years, we have published and distributed some of the very best books based on Australian research and Australian stories.
Since 2011, several titles on our list have been supported by generous donations to the UNSW Press Literary Fund. By donating to the Literary Fund, you'll join a group that helps us to go on publishing:
- works by Indigenous and emerging writers
- original scholarship pitched at a broad audience
- reference and cultural works of national significance and enduring importance
- exquisite full-colour, illustrated books produced in partnership with state libraries and museums
Across two highly regarded imprints, UNSW Press and NewSouth, we seek a global readership by publishing in formats from print to e-book and audio to online platforms. We make publications available in accessible alternative formats for those with print-related disabilities.
We welcome enquiries about our current publishing program, as well as forthcoming titles that would benefit from your support.
With gratitude for your interest in our books and authors, and your engagement in books and publishing in Australia.
UNSW Philanthropy
+61 2 8936 4700