We are open for submissions.
We accept submissions for general, scholarly and literary non-fiction. We love books that are unafraid to ask big questions and challenge us to think in new ways. We encourage submissions from writers from under-represented backgrounds, including First Nations writers, writers of colour, LGBTQ+ writers and disabled writers.
While our publishing program is broad, we are not currently accepting submissions for fiction, poetry, textbooks, children's illustrated books or children’s and young adult fiction. For scholarly submissions, please note we do not publish PhD theses unless they have been substantially revised for a broader readership. The scholarly books we publish are peer-reviewed. Our Board is advised of all new publishing contracts in quarterly reports.
To submit your work, please include the following:
- A proposal which includes a short synopsis/outline of your book, chapter breakdown, proposed manuscript length, an assessment of your intended audience, summary of comparable/competing titles and sample illustrations (if applicable).
- Two sample chapters.
- An author resumé including relevant experience and any previous publications.
- For scholarly submissions, please suggest potential academic reviewers.
Send your completed submission to submissions@unswpress.com.au. You will receive an automated email acknowledging receipt. We will be in touch within twelve weeks if we wish to proceed further with your proposal. Due to the large number of submissions we receive we are unfortunately unable to provide individual feedback. Authors seeking advice about their manuscripts and proposals can contact Writing NSW, which has a manuscript assessment service and mentorship program: https://writingnsw.org.au/